With the release of Split, M Night Shyamalan found himself in moviegoers’ good graces for the first time in almost fifteen years. This sleeper hit was the story of Kevin, (James McAvoy) and his journey into his psychosis, leading...
Bethesda has pulled a fast one here, folks. Surely when they tweeted out the classic Fallout screen, “PLEASE STAND BY,” we all assumed we knew what was coming. It’s the 10 year anniversary of Fallout 3. A remaster or...
Well, This Guy knew this day would come eventually. But it’s been reported now that Andrew Lincoln, known for playing Rick Grimes on AMC’s The Walking Dead, will be leaving the series following its upcoming 9th season. Andrew Lincoln...
The It remake hit pretty much all the right notes last year. With an awesome cast of talented young actors, and genuine scares, it seemed like Pennywise had jumped straight off Stephen King’s pages and into our nightmares once...
Oh, Tremors, how we love thee. Honestly, how a film with such an insanely ludicrous concept became one of the most beloved cult films of all time is really amazing. Giant, subterranean worms with snakes for tongues, listen to...
If you need a little pick-me-up after the emotional gut-shot of Avengers: Infinity War, Marvel just dropped a brand new trailer for Ant-Man and the Wasp! We get a couple new action shots, a couple jokes, and, probably the most...