Poster for the last jedi

‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ – The Grey Area of the Force

It’s a strange life being a Star Wars fan. You live a relatively normal existence. You eat, you sleep, you go to work or school. But every now and then, things just come to a screeching halt because someone invoked the holy trilogy. There was a joke, or a reference, or a random theory online. You see a Boba Fett shirt, or hear someone ranting about who the last Jedi is or will be, and suddenly, everything in your “normal” life takes a backseat to your dedication to the Star Wars fandom. These days, with the revitalization of the franchise, these moments have become more and more frequent, and drawn out. Now weeks and months are spent excited beyond belief at the next trailer, or poster, or casting announcement. Star Wars is back in full swing, and things we’re all just kids again.

This Guy was ecstatic when the first trailer dropped for The Last Jedi, Episode VIII in this saga reborn. Things seemed to be set up perfectly. The Force Awakens was like reliving A New Hope (almost too much so), and that could only mean that we were due for another Empire. Yes! Dark, epic, full of twists and revelations. This is what Star Wars is all about. And. . . some of that is present in The Last Jedi. We fanatics may go in with huge expectations for our favourite saga, but sadly, Episode VIII is very hit and miss.

“We are the spark that will light the fire that’ll burn the First Order down.”

The Last Jedi (strangely) picks up immediately after Episode VII, finding the Rebellion Resistance under attack by the First Order, forced to retreat from their base and jump through space to safety. Meanwhile, Rey has found Luke Skywalker hiding away from the conflict, and insists he is needed if the Resistance is to survive. It is a VERY Empire Strikes Back setup. The plucky heroes in the middle of a hopeless siege (like the Battle of Hoth), meanwhile a young potential Jedi seeks out an old Master for guidance (like the Dagobah System). So far so good.

Rey trains in The last jedi

It’s not unheard of to have a mundane, middle-of-the-road Star Wars film. The originals are classics. The prequels were mostly crap with a few great qualities (Obi Wan McGregor anyone?). This new trilogy was off to a perfectly promising start with The Force Awakens. It struck a great balance between nostalgic fan service with some fun new characters, and a good jumping off point for a new adventure. The Last Jedi bashes us over the head with the message to put the past behind you and look forward to a new future. Characters on both sides spout off this talking point relentlessly. And aside from the familiar opening, Episode VIII does try to go in new directions. It is a very different type of Star Wars film, but still has some amazing moments and scenes. Unfortunately, it also has more than its share of cringe-worthy sequences, and not just the usual cheesy dialogue.

“We are what they grow beyond. That is the true burden of all masters.”

Oddly enough, one of the film’s biggest drawbacks, and most glaring mistakes is setting it so shortly after the Force Awakens. The lack of a time jump makes the film unique in the series, it also limits the story’s direction, and makes the whole film feel a little too episodic. Much like Mad Max Fury Road, Last Jedi tries to make a single action sequence last almost the entire film, and while it worked for Max, it’s less successful here.

Phasma returns in The last Jedi

While every character is given something to do, not everyone is given the attention and importance needed or expected. Finn, This Guy’s favourite new character, runs off for a side adventure that ends up having little to no bearing on the actual plot. Chewie sits in his pilot’s chair being harassed by Porgs the entire time. The real tragedy is Luke himself. While he actually gets to speak this time around, This Guy found himself questioning every single writing decision for him. He’s not the young Jedi Master we knew, and while yes, 30 years will change a guy, he’s barely recognizable in character, personality, and direction. It just never seems like a suitable reintroduction for our beloved hero.

“You have no role in this story.”

This Guy doesn’t want you to think the movie is trash. It’s still Star Wars, and a fun time is still to be had for fans. Rian Johnson has put together a ridiculously great looking film. Aside from a couple questionable CGI scenes, the near constant space battles are beautifully put together and shot, the music is great (as expected). Many scenes are memorable, and innovative. One climactic scene toward the end genuinely made This Guy think, ‘Holy shit, I’ve never seen that before.’ And in the best way. Some fans may find themselves disappointed by the answers given to a few of Episode VII’s mysteries. Then again, This Guy was pleasantly surprised by how at least one mystery was handled, though it’s likely to be controversial.

There are a couple tremendous fight scenes, and yes, we get some saber action with Kylo Ren and Rey. Adam Driver remains the best part of the new trilogy, with Kylo Ren proving a deeply intriguing, and threatening villain. He’s everything you’d want from a young Anakin that we never got from the prequels. Snoke gets to shine live and in person, and while he’s no Emperor Palpatine, he does terrify and enthrall with his menace and malice.

A bombing assault in The last Jedi

Overall, The Last Jedi doesn’t reach the new heights This Guy and the fans were hoping for. It has some great moments and lots of fresh ideas, but not all of it comes together as smoothly as you’d like. Every great scene and epic moment is paralleled by a bad joke that falls flat, or a bad writing choice that leads to more head scratching than necessary. It’s not in anyway the worst Star Wars film, and ultimately, it’s still STAR WARS. Sit back and enjoy yourself.

This Guy Scores: 7/10  

Star Wars the last Jedi poster

This Guy

Who likes movies? This Guy! Who has way too much to say, and lacks the mental focus, or appropriate filters necessary to express himself in an acceptable fashion? This guy! Oh, and something about two thumbs.

kiss kiss bang bang

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