Super Troopers 2

‘Super Troopers 2’ -It’s a bit stale meow

Broken Lizard’s cult classic, Super Troopers really was lightning in a bottle. A group of supremely funny guys coming together to make an incredibly outlandish comedy that just hit the every note perfectly. The first 15 minutes of Super Troopers may be the funniest opening to a film in history. Unfortunately, as with any classic comedy that tries to return 15+ years later, some of the magic is inevitably lost. Super Troopers 2 gives us the same great dudes, a few of the old gags, but it just doesn’t hit as well as you’d hope.

“You want a liter o’Cola with that?”

Some years after the first film, the boys have been fired from their jobs as Spurbury Police Officers after accidentally killing Fred Savage (yes, really). Later on, some Canadian land is found to actually be in US territory, and the former Troopers are brought in to potentially take over as the area’s new state police force. As expected, they’re not exactly what the locals were hoping for, but just like last time, the Troopers stumble upon something big and sinister. And semi-hilarity ensues.

Super Troopers 2

What made the original Super Troopers so good was that it came out of fucking nowhere. No one really knew who Broken Lizard were, but they put together an absolutely ridiculous, over the top comedy, where every line was quotable, and every gag landed. Super Troopers 2 tries to work the same formula into a new story, and just doesn’t work. Yeah, This Guy got a few chuckles out of it, and watching Fred Savage die was honestly pretty funny. But it’s just not the same. The opening traffic stop of the original is unmatched, and there are no comparably clever scenes in the sequel. It was actually really strange watching this movie, and just not feeling any of the major jokes land.

This Guy doesn’t mean to hate on Broken Lizard; the guys are FUNNY. I’ve greatly enjoyed all their previous flicks together, even Club Dread (RIP Bill Paxton). But there just wasn’t a need for a sequel here. The guys are funny when they’re together, regardless of who they’re playing. We didn’t need to see THESE characters again, and throwing them back together just for a half-assed payoff 17-years later is pretty disappointing. Fans of the original might honestly enjoy themselves, but it’s just not the same classic we deserved. The guys might’ve been better off tweaking the story a bit, and just coming up with a new movie with new characters. As it is, this flick misses the bulletproof jockstrap almost entirely.

This Guy Scores It: 5/10

Super Troopers 2

This Guy

Who likes movies? This Guy! Who has way too much to say, and lacks the mental focus, or appropriate filters necessary to express himself in an acceptable fashion? This guy! Oh, and something about two thumbs.

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