This Chick's got enough on her plate: Making enemies, staying classy, walking the walk, and keeping This Guy honest (whenever possible). But for you, she'll make time to keep you up to speed on what's cool and what blows.
April showers bring May flowers. Not always the case for this Canadian chick. Bored and tired of the bad weather, she fell back into watching some of her old favourite snow/rainy day movies. Regardless if you’re in cold Canada or...
We all remember that one movie series that shaped our lives. That moment you realized this will make on impact my life; this will follow me. That series you think of when you’re driving or just staring into space....
Mother nature should never be trusted, it is both what allows us to prosper, and more often, to perish. Not surprisingly, This Chick’s biggest fear isn’t what she can see, but what she can’t. So keeping that in mind,...
Tomb Raider brings Lara Croft (Alicia Vikander) to the big screen once again, as she struggles with coming to terms with the death of her father (Dominic West). Now remember this is a action film, so no need for...
It’s official; if it’s not a British show it just can’t compare. The Brits add another hit to their growing list of brilliant TV shows, making the rest of us look like assholes in the process. Only they could pull...
Earlier this week, This Guy counted down the best dystopian films to watch. Flicks dealing with a society gone wrong. Post-apocalyptic movies skip all the second chances and reboots, and dive right into what comes after. The rules are...
This Chick is somewhat of a homebody. Ask me out on a Saturday? Hell no! Netflix is calling. I can’t tell you exactly when Netflix became my all-day-every-day, but I can tell you this; I am super hyped about...
Nearly a decade after its release, and Hollywood is still subjecting us to the aftershocks of the Young Adult fiction craze that Twilight left us with. Some might blame Harry Potter for starting the trend, but they can go...
As a huge fan of the 1995 classic Jumanji starring Robin Williams, This Chick was pretty excited when she originally heard about the possible continuation of the series. Jumanji was a story that both captivated and inspired my childhood...
Star Wars: The Last Jedi is just around the corner, my young Padawans. So, before we all trample each other to get to the theaters for Episode VIII, This Chick is counting down the Top 15 Star Wars Characters....