poster for Prince Of Darkness

This Guy’s Watching: ‘Prince Of Darkness’

Another day, another horror flick. 6 days to Halloween, and things are starting to get extra spooky around here. Like the Prince of Darkness himself is pulling the strings behind very corner. Don’t worry though, kiddies; This Guy’s here to protect you. Or at least to scream inaudibly at the terror creeping up on us.

We started this series with John Carpenter’s The Thing, the first of his “Apocalypse Trilogy.” Tonight, This Guy’s gonna continue with the second installment. This one’s a bit less Outer Limits and a little more HP Lovecraft. So, tonight, join This Guy and strap in for. . .

John Carpenter’s Prince Of Darkness

the Prince of Darkness in goo form

Evil. Now in GOO form!

John Carpenter is an absolute legend in the horror business. His catalogue is damn near unmatched, and his 80s flicks in particular are some of the objectively most entertaining films of all time (Big Trouble In Little China in particular). When he wanted to mix scares with camp, it came as natural as breathing. And when he wanted to delve a little deeper, and start to mix horror with sci-fi, it was a joy to behold.

“You will not be saved by the Holy Ghost. You will not be saved by the god Plutonium. In fact, YOU WILL NOT BE SAVED.”

Prince Of Darkness finds a physics professor invited to a local church to weigh in on a strange discovery in the basement. A large glass cylinder, filled with a swirling green liquid. Through experimentation, and a few leaps of logic, it’s discovered the liquid may be the actual physical manifestation of evil on Earth. And more than that, it’s working for something, bigger, MORE evil, and one summoning ritual away from invading our world. Put that together with a desperate message from the future, and you have a pretty weird fucking story, but it’s awesome!

Carpenter’s knack for this kind of out there horror shines brightly as always. The suspense is killer, the effects are effective but simple. And of course, in classic Carpenter fashion, the soundtracks kicks ass. And Alice Cooper shows up as a creepy, possessed homeless guy. Wonder if he knew they were filming in. . .

Anyways, just a few more days to Halloween. Tonight, This Guy’s watching Prince Of Darkness, and you should too!

Alice Cooper serves the Prince of Darkness

Hey kids! It’s Alice Cooper!

This Guy

Who likes movies? This Guy! Who has way too much to say, and lacks the mental focus, or appropriate filters necessary to express himself in an acceptable fashion? This guy! Oh, and something about two thumbs.

Bone Tomahawk poster

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