Author Description

This Guy

Who likes movies? This Guy! Who has way too much to say, and lacks the mental focus, or appropriate filters necessary to express himself in an acceptable fashion? This guy! Oh, and something about two thumbs.

The horror franchise; the laziest, and most exploitative of Hollywood tricks. For three solid decades, theaters were assaulted with endless Jason, Critters, Hellraiser, and Leprechaun installments, each more grisly and cringe-worthy than the last. It should also be noted that every one of those...
Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Man is a primitive beast. You can’t really deny it; it’s inside all of us, even This Guy. When the smell of blood is in the air… the scent of sweat and anger all boiling...
Oh, to be struck by Cupid’s mystic arrow. To know the good fortune of having one’s heart leap from their chest in search of its counterpoint in another. For there is not a stronger, more powerful, or more glorious...